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 May/June Newsletter


Past Due Balances: All accounts must be paid in full for recital participation. June tuition is due by June 9th.NO CHECKS FOR PAST DUE BALANCES. NO CHECKS AFTER JUNE 1st. **If you are signed up for autopay, June tuition will still come out on your scheduled date.

Recital fee: Please remember that there is a $55 recital fee (this was listed in your parent pack). Each additional dancer in the family is $25 recital fee.

Memorial Day: The studio will be closed on Monday, May 29th for Memorial Day. Our 5:30 class, please come to Thursday 6:30-7:45 class. Our 6:45 class needs to come to the Wednesday 7:15-8:45 class.

Recital Date: June 10th 6:30p.m. at the Charleston Municipal Auditorium. Rehearsal is that morning. You will find your rehearsal times in your recital packet. NO RECITAL PARTICIPATION IS ALLOWED WITH A PAST DUE BALANCE.

Costume Week: Costume week is May 15th thru May 19th . We hang and bag all costumes for you. You will also receive your accessory bag with tights, hair accessories, dancer pass, first ticket & recital packet. ALL PAST DUE BALANCES MUST BE PAID OR COSTUMES CANNOT BE SENT HOME-THIS INCLUDES RECITAL FEE. Your first ticket is half price ($8) and will be added to your portal account.

** Dance studio pro now accepts Klarna. If you have a past due balance, you can choose this payment option. Klarna pays your balance and allows you to pay them in 4 installments. There is a 5% charge added to your balance for Klarna.

June Tuition: Please remember that there is June tuition. We charge one yearly fee and break it up into 10monthly payments (this does not include any holiday closings). If you are signed up for auto pay, this will come out at your chosen date even if it is after recital date.

Recital Tshirts: Recital tshirts will go on sale Tuesday, May 2nd. We will be selling these until May 15th.. Tshirts are $22. Order form is in studio and online.

Recital Invitations: We will start passing out recital invitations in the next couple of weeks. Please invite a lot of people. We love having a large crowd for our dancers. Please take pictures of the invitations and post on social media! This has helped increase our audience! The municipal almost doubled in price last year~ticket sales help with this increase.

Tickets: We will start selling tickets the week of May 24th. Adult tickets are $15 and child tickets are $8. Everyone needs a ticket but the dancer. Please remember that you will have your first adult ticket in the accessory bag-this is a half price ticket added to your statement. Dancers do NOT need a ticket but they must present a dancer pass (these are free to dancers and will be in accessory bag).

May/June Schedule: The May /June schedule is posted on your bulletin board, the website and in the studio. Please make sure you have checked your class times! The week of recital is a drop off only class except for backstage moms.

Backstage mom sign up: We will put out the backstage mom sign up sheet the third week of May.

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