Kelly’s Dance Studio

Well, here we are 2025 What will it bring? I pray that it will bring blessings and happiness, renewed strength and faith, relief and comfort.
Here is what is going on:
Recital: please make sure to mark your calendars.for Saturday, June 14th. This our recital date. Rehearsal morning will be the 14th also.
Costumes: please make sure you have made your costume deposits for November and December. Your January deposit is due January 15th. Please make sure your payments are up to date. If you have any questions, let us know.
**Please remember that once ordered, costumes cannot be canceled with the costume companies.
Bad Weather. In case of bad weather or threat of bad weather during class time- we decide after 1:00pm. We will post any closures on FB, website and send info by text. Always do what you feel is best and safest, you can come to a comparable class later in the week plus we will make up any weather closures in the spring.
Past Dues. Please, please, please, keep your accounts up to date. I have quite a bit out in past due tuition, studiowear, etc. Enough to pay a month’s worth of rent and utilities and a few household expenses. If you need more time, are worried about tuition, etc. PLEASE come to us. We will find a solution that helps us both- that's all I ask.
Scheduled holidays: There are no more scheduled holidays until Spring break. All scheduled holidays are listed in your parent packet
Tuition and schedule for '23~24
Tuition Information:
Tuition for our 2024-25 season is $85 per month (this is for a single dancer attending class once a week).
**HOWEVER, if you sign up for monthly automatic payment, your tuition price drops to $70
We offer a great family discount. Tuition for 2 classes per week is only $110 ($100 w/autopay) per month. And, if you have 3 classes per month it is only $125 per month ($110 w/autopay).
We have our tuition set for each month. However, we take the 34+ classes in our season and divide the total into 10 even monthly payments. Tuition is due by the 10th of each month. A $10 late fee is applied for past due tuition. If tuition has not been paid by the 30th, there is a $20 late fee.
Then, in order to make things easy, we make the tuition due at the beginning of each month. Tuition is not based on the number of classes in each month, rather in the number of classes during our season. You are more than welcome
to make up any missed classes (in case of illness, schedule conflict, etc...). However, after March this becomes difficult because of the progression of recital dances. Please check with us for make up options April- recital.
If you decide that our studio is not for you, please let us know. If there is any problem, please let us know and we will try for a solution. However, if it's just simply not for you, please inform us that you will not be returning. It allows us to know for certain. There are no refunds for tuition if you do not complete your month. If you do not inform us, you will be charged the current month or following month's tuition- because you will remain in our system. We will then remove you from our class list. Please see costume info for policies regarding these. Please understand that these policies have become a necessity.
Schedule for 2024-25
** Please read before selecting a class time. Please select class based on dancer's age as of 1/1/20234.
There have been a few changes to our schedule. Please read carefully. If your class time has changed age categories from last year or time slots, and you have any questions, just contact us!
If you are not sure which class is best for your dancer, just contact us and we will find the perfect fit!! And, of course, if you begin in one class and it isn't the fit for you~ please, let us know and we will try another one!
You will also find a few helpful descriptions of our classes included!
Class Schedules:
5:45-6:30 Tumbling. This is a beginner tumbling class for ages 5-11. We will focus on beginner skills and progress thru the year. This class is $45 for tumbling only or $30 if you are also registered for a dance class.
6:45- 8:00- 5th-7th Grade ** This class is always very popular time slot! This age is beginning to learn to work together and help each other.- learning to not depend on their teacher for choreography memory. They can stand on their own. They are coming into their Girl Power! **If you are involved with our young dance team- this is your class.
5:45-6:45- 5-7 Years Old ** This class is perfect for little girlies who want to have fun! This class is always full of laughter and imagination.
6:45-7:45- 7-9 Years Old **This is a new "Step Up" class. Little girls who danced in the above age group last year may want to "step up" into a class that's a little more grown up. Still lots of fun but beginning to grow up!
7:45- 9:15- High School- These are my best girlies! They work so well together, they support each other with true Girl Power! Their learning curve is amazing and we love getting new girls in this group!
-5:30-6:15- 3-4 year olds: **This class also accepts 2 1/2 year olds. I suggest 2 years in this class before moving up. Just like Wednesday's description- the returning girlies help the new littles and feel very grown up! Full of fun, hugs and imagination!
7:15-8:45- 7th thru 10th grade: **This class is perfect for new dancers. It is always a smaller class time slot and has a few wonderful returning dancers who are always welcoming and willing to help new students!
5:45-6:30- 3-5 Year Old: ****This class is designed for little girls who are already 3 or up. We recommend 2 years in our 'Littles" class- especially for those who were very shy last year. It's also open to new girlies of this age. You will be so surprised at how last year's babies help this year's babies! They will be the big girls now!
6:30-7:30 5-6 year olds This is a new class! This is a great class for those that fit in this age group or who have had 2 years in our baby classes!
7:45-9:30- Adult Class: **BEST GIRLIES AROUND- HANDS DOWN! KNOWN AS THE THURSDAY NITE GREAT GAMS CLUB! There are no words to explain the friendship and support you will find with these beautiful girls! This class is full of chatter, laughter and fun! Come find your Girl Power, again!
** I have made a few updates and changes to our schedule, if a class that you have danced in before increased slightly in age- you are still welcome in your old class. For example, a class that last year was 8-10 and is now 9-11- you are still good!
**If a class that you want is closed, please contact us by email or messenger. Once a class is closed, the online registration
will not list it as an option and put you on a waiting list. Please contact us!
** This schedule is subject to change due to class sizing/needs.